Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 1

15 facts about me? Well..

1)Obviously, I'm a girl! xD
2)I love all my friends no matter how close they are
3)My Favorite colors are Black, Red, and White
4)Well actually I love most colors
5)*except pink* <-- If you didn't know that, something is wrong with you~
6)I hate the Devil
7)I love God
8)COOKIES!!! *as you can see, I'm random*
9)I'm a Pro at weird
10)I Can eat a lot if I want to
11)My favorite number is 2
12)Nerf is AWESOME! *you can guess it, I like Nerf!*
13)I find it hard to express my true feelings
14)Music helps me think
15)I love reading/writing poetry
16) Muahahahahaha!!!! It just says 15 facts, not 16~ ;) *randomness*

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