Thursday, April 14, 2011

Believe + Love

You walk out to me
With a face of glumness
I ask you with a Plea
Why all the Sadness

Hurt and Pain appears
You tell me all your Griefs
I'm here to be your ear
Aggrieved till disbelieve

You're taking shaky breaths
I Looked at your hand
You wish for a quiet death
To cut yourself, that was the Plan

I Embrace you with love
You look at me with Teary Eyes
Rain starts to fall from above
The Sky knows and Cries

I Hold your hand tight
And whisper in a low breath
"Stay strong, believe and fight"
The Raindrops covers this Crest

A minute of silent stand
Praying for Hope to come
Warmth flowing through our hand
Believe plus Love equals a pleasing sum

In that moment of Promise
Remember the sun will shine
I wish this moment a beautiful Bliss
In friendship, we are fine

There is always Hope, Just Believe in Love, Just believe in Friends~ <3

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