Thursday, April 14, 2011


I Lie here feeling dead
Listening to the pouring rain
My soul is not to be read
Stricken in all this pain

Apathy strikes again
No reason to move
Thoughts that go insane
Nothing else to prove

Not worthy for all
Cower away in the Night
I Stumble and fall
A child with no Sight

The time wasted here
I've lost everything
Guilt mixed with fear
Neither a Queen nor King

Yet, you're at my side
Pulling me through this dark
Out of this desperate fight
You play an important part

You held my hand through
And thought me to Love
A light in this Clear View
From a Beast to a dove

I push and cried
The Echo never heard
But you came alongside
And freed me like a bird

Lost in this lonely World
The age when none cared
Entangled in this Twirl
But you helped me, my TeddyBear


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