Monday, April 25, 2011

I'll Protect you~

Dedicated to those who would do anything to protect and stand by the side of the ones they Love~

Dedication Part Three

Dangers and Snares all around
Everything I do is for you
I'll pull you up whenever you're Down
So know that I'll bleed for you

No Matter How hard it is
I'll stand by your side always
To take your Pain and give you Bliss
I'll be at your side when Trouble Ablaze

To Take a Shot to my Bloody Heart
Maybe even a Blade to my Throat
I'll Risk My Life no Matter what
Even if I Drown, I'll put you Afloat

In the Middle of the Dark, Misty Night
To Care for you with All my Might
I'll do anything to protect your Rights
And I'll hold you Close, oh so Tight

With every Ounce of Strength and Love
Without needing to be asked, No need to Mention
I'll Protect and Care for you like a Dove
Even if I'm not the very Best Person

Watching over you forever my Dear
Even to lay my life, That's what I'll do
So no need to worry, No need to Fear
Just know that I'll always Protect you

<3 I'll Always Protect You <3

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