Thursday, June 9, 2011

Are You?

A "Pyros Agrious" Poem~

Angels of Deception that Haunt me By
But you're Different, you're my Lullaby

Do you Hold the Key, in which Unlocks this Frozen Heat of Mine?
For it beats Emptily with Shadows of Regret
Are you the Bright and Luminous Light?
The one and only who Guides me through my Darkest Hour

Are you the Joy behind my Plastered Smile?
Your Laughter which brings me Happiness
Do you Calm my Heart, which was Pierced by the Thorn Rose?
Because it Feels your Comforting, The Warm Embrace

Are you the Sunshine in my Blackened World?
The Rays of Light which Stains my Sight
Or the One with Warmth?
The Chills and Sadness broken away

Do you say the One who Loves is Right Before Me?
But maybe it's Just a Deceitful Illusion
My Passion Corroded away just like Steel
Will you be the One who would Save Me?

Shivering and Cold from all of my Despair
Do you bring in the Colors of the Four Seasons?
Rusted and Chained to my Dreaded Past
Are you the one holding my Hand and Guiding me By?

Sleep Peacefully in your Loving Arms
Beautiful written Poetry, just like Psalms

All this you are to me,
But am I all that is Worth to you?

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