Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sports Day

Wanted to write a Super Emo poem, but when I thought of you guys I just couldn't! ^^

Five thirty, time to be up
It's Sports Day, Come Let's Go
Nothing's going to be abrupt
Our friendship Will forever Grow

My Heart Pounds Strongly
I hear Its Steady Beating
Nerves are building Quickly
My Events are Track Running

As I line up ready to Go
Sweat flows down my Face
I wait for the horn to Blow
I hope I win First Place

The Finals have Arrived
I challenge Fast, running Girls
Sense become Sharp, more Alive
I hear Many Loud Cheers

Meeting Old and new Friends
Getting to know the winners
The strength of our Friendship Bonds
We are all still very close Peers

It was great meeting up and seeing all of you guys again! <3

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