Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Art, My Beautiful Nature~

A "Pyros Agrious" Poem~

My World is Painted with Beauty Because of You,
Painted with Your Essence of Glorious Wonder~

And with the Tranquil Clouds of the Sky
You Shade me in the Embrace of Peacefulness
Striking like Lightning and Charming like the Rain

Like Songs and Vibrating Strings
You sing with Symphonies and Melodies From Heaven
Your Voice that Wraps me in the Wonder of your Alluring Name

Like a Paintbrush with Colors
Beauty and Sweetness splattered on this Empty Canvas
You give my Gloomy Life a new Vision

Now with the Rhythms and Steps
Like a Ballerina Dancing to the Artistic Melodies
You show me a New form of Grace and Exotic Elegance

And Just like the Trees that Sway
Dancing along with the Sweet, Calming Wind
Wrapping me with your Scent and Contagious Love

So I Just Can't get enough of you~
I Just Need you now~

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