Sunday, June 6, 2010


Well, the hols are back and its time for another 2 boring weeks to pass by, I hols is going to be kinda boring, I guess I'll do work(I know that sounds crazy) basically my hols will be filled with...

1) Going to sleep A LOT!! Like catch up with all my sleep
2) Go online, hopefully got people,who aren't annoying, online...then not so boring...
3) Have the JAM session at my house with friends, thank God for it...
4) Eat lots of random junk food and chill/listen music/Television
5) Work, work, work, and more WORK!!
6) Work on my essay, which I've got not much ideas on what to write, God give me wisdom and ideas to write on topic and not go of topic....sigh
7) Think how to solve some problems and issues about my life/ or friends life...
8) Hope to have a great heart-to-heart time with friends(KARMEN!! DAVID!! Don't leave me alone this hols!!)
9) Exercise and have bonding time with my animals and folks(Yikes)

Well, that's mainly what I'll be doing this whole two weeks....hopefully :)
Enjoy your hols, cause I know mine is going to be boring....oh well! Bye~

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