Monday, June 21, 2010

Nya, random stuffies!!

Some random quote/phrase/watever you call it, I made/though/wrote just now...

First one is, 'Innocent Crystal Rose covered in bloody sadness'
Sad, and think about it, I guess the Innocent Crystal represents someone, but ain't tellin' who...

Second one is kinda random, I was thinking of Vampires and stuff, then this came outin my thoughts, 'The Kiss from a cold blooded pale face, could be the one to warm your sweet heart'


But yea, wat isn't random about me?? ^O^

And I still think about how 'he' feels, is he sad or angry at me? Will our friendship be broken?? Is he vry, vry, vry, vry depress??? Sigh....

Haiz, should I go to chelle's CG outing BBQ thingy.....
Sigh...should I, feel weird lah....

Anyway, I still enjoy being single xP
Hah, well Just 'he' feels alright....



ily ^^

K.O. x_x

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